العراق – مدینة الکوت
مشروع البناء : مول السیر ولیم مساحة: ۱۱۰۰۰متر مربع العراق مدینة الکوت تصمیم و تنفیذ بواسطة سقف کرین وافل بعملیة ثنائیة التجاه
Tehran roof complex
Employer: Bam Co َArea: 26 sqm Location : Iran Design and execution with green waffle roof system, combination of one-sided and two-sided slabs.
Chaloos rimoo complex
ٍEmployer: Dear Mr. Jaber Ansari Area: 14,000 sqm This residential project is a concrete frame type, which is designed and executed based on the green
Iraq Surwilliam complex
Area : 8000 sqm location : Kot city-Iraq The optimization, structure design and implementation of this project have been done by the technical and executive
Sadra sarvghamatan residential complex
Employer : Pars Gostar Dam and Construction Company Area : 100,000 sqm Location: Sadra-Shiraz-Iran In this project, after removing the prefabricated beam and polystyrene block,
Zeytoon 416 unit housing project
Emloyer : Shiraz Municipal Housing Cooperative Area : 50,000 sqm Location :shiraz This residential project is of concrete frame type and includes 7 blocks of